Lab News

Lab News

Sep 24 |Danielle Cozachenco was awarded a Trainee Professional Development Award to attend SfN 2024 in Chicago. Congrats, Dani!

Aug 24 |Ícaro Raony was ranked first place in the PhD admission exams! He is now officially an MD-PhD student in the group.

May 24 |Ricardo was shortlisted for the SBBq Prize for Young Scientists in Life Sciences. Well done!

Apr 24 |We just found out that our postdoc Dr. Andrea Tosta had her PhD dissertation, co-supervised by Mychael, ranked first and selected by the Neuroscience Graduate Program (Fluminense Federal University) to run for the CAPES Award in Biological Sciences (Area II).

Mar 24 | We welcome new lab members! Drs. Andrea Tosta and Leticia Forny Germano have joined the groups as new postdoctoral fellows. 

Feb 24 | We are glad that Ariene Fonseca successfully obtained her PhD. Congrats!

Jan 24 | Mychael is a newly appointed Senior Editor for Reviews at the Journal of Neurochemistry. Good luck in this new position!

Nov 23 | Ricardo Lima Filho and Danielle Cozachenco were awarded the prestigious “FAPERJ Nota 10” postdoctoral fellowship. Kudos!

Sep 23 | Ricardo Lima Filho was awarded a Trainee Professional Development Award to attend SfN 2023 in Washington, DC. We are proud of you, Ricardo!

July 23 | Mariana Chauvet presented her Master’s work. Kudos to her!

July 23 | Mariana Chauvet made a great presentation and was approved to start her PhD with us!

June 23 | We received the great news that Alinny Isaac will join the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro as an assistant professor. Congrats Alinny!

June 23 | Ricardo Lima Filho successfully defended his PhD in a very interesting presentation. Congrats Dr. Ricardo!

May 23 | More good news: Alinny, Danielle, Mariana and Ricardo will attend the International Society for Neurochemistry in Porto this August.

Apr 23 | Ariene Soares and Danielle Cozachenco were selected for travel awards to attend AAIC 2023. See you in Amsterdam!

Mar 23 | Our newly minted Dr. Danielle Cozachenco successfully presented her PhD dissertation. Congrats, Dani!