Welcome to the
Lourenco Laboratory
About Us
Our research focuses on the understanding of molecular mechanisms of neurological diseases, with emphasis on Alzheimer’s disease and depression. Our long-term goal is to leverage our findings to promote translational advances in the development of new therapies and biomarkers for neurological disease. Our main goal is to understand the molecular mechanisms driving cognitive decline and mood impairments in neurological disease
Recent Publications
Effects of Gestational Exercise on Nociception, BDNF, and Irisin Levels in an Animal Model of ADHD
Cross-species comparative hippocampal transcriptomics in Alzheimer’s disease
Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism
Irisin limits amyloid-β buildup in Alzheimer’s disease
In the News
News at Senado TV about new findings of Alzheimer’s disease
(In Portuguese) Link: https://www12.senado.leg.br/tv/programas/cidadania-1/2023/09/novas-descobertas-sobre-o-alzheimer-animam-cientistas
News at BandTV about grants from the FAPERJ research program
(In Portuguese) Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P76uIDhc8Tc
Op-ed in Folha de SP
Text in Portuguese Link: https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/opiniao/2023/02/afinal-estamos-avancando-no-tratamento-da-doenca-de-alzheimer.shtml